Six Easy To Do Aerobic Exercises

People are busier and busier these days. With all of this business, some things tend to suffer. One of the easiest things to let slip away is doing enough exercise. Unfortunately, doing an adequate amount of exercise is paramount to keeping your body healthy and bonus it even keeps your spirits up thanks to all of the endorphins that exercise releases into your body. Exercise something that you should make time for, but we all know how hard that can be.

The good news is: you can fit exercise in your schedule, and you DO NOT need a fancy gym membership to do it.  With just a few minutes at home, and a few simple pieces of equipment, you are ready to rock and roll. So below are six easy to do aerobic exercises to keep your heart pumping and your mind clear.

* Jumping Rope
You loved it as a kid, so why not pick up the rope again? A jump rope can be purchased at almost any store from your local general merchandise store, sporting goods store, or I have even seen them at the grocery store. Jump ropes can range in price from less than five dollars to upwards of fifty for a really fancy one. So you can spend as little or as much as you want, but one thing is for sure, you will get your exercise. Jumping rope for five minutes is one of the best ways to spend five minutes of aerobic exercise. Why do you think boxers use it so much? Great way to get in shape.

* Hula Hooping
This one should also take you back to your childhood. I bet you didn't realize when you were having all of that fun that you were also giving yourself a very good workout. Hula Hooping is not only great at getting your heart rate up, but it is also a great way to work your core and get the shapely waist you have always wanted. Hula hoops are easily obtainable at a toy store or a local Target, but you can also invest in a fitness weighted hula hoop that will help you work up a sweat even faster. You can hula while you watch your favorite show, and heck, it is just so much fun.

* Jumping Jacks
This one you do not need any equipment except your body and maybe a good pair of shoes. This simple exercise of jumping your feet out and in while bringing your arms over head to clap will have your heart rate skyrocketing. Just a couple of sets of these babies, and you will have had an excellent workout for any day of the week.

* Walking
It is something that you do every day and all of the time, but with little bit of effort, this can be a great workout. You can walk anywhere! Anywhere! You can take a walk around your neighborhood, or your backyard, and you can even walk in place in front of the TV! Walking between 30 and 60 minutes a day is recommended to get the most health benefits.

* Power Yoga Flow
Yoga is not usually known as an aerobic exercise, but if you do several moves together this is called flowing. This flowing can actually raise your heart rate significantly enough that it is aerobic exercise. There are plenty of pod-casts, YouTube videos, and library books with all of the information you need to get started. Then you can flow in your bedroom or backyard.
Gaming systems such as Wii Fitness and Xbox have all sort of workout programs you can do at home in front of your video game console, and this is just like playing a video game. So you are working out, and playing at the same time!

Your health is worth the time it takes to do these exercises at home. Remember the hardest part is starting, but after you start, you will be glad you did. Take the leap! The author of this guest blog post is a personal Fitness Trainer. He can help you remain accountable in your actions and meet your goals!

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